#WEFIGHTCORONA - Due to the explosively evolving world-wide SARS-CoV-2 viral pandemic, we are forced to cancel both upcoming practical modules in May 2020 ...

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A program endorsed by

Preliminary program: Available Now!

  • “It was the very best flap course I attended so far, especially the
    “one-to-one” teaching was amazing and very helpful...”
    Birgit Weyand, Germany
  • “Extremely useful course especially for young microsurgeons…
    I had the chance to do several flaps which are not so frequently utilised...”
    Alexandru Mihai, Romania


…includes advanced practical modules which accommodate a maximum of 10 participants each. Each module includes intensive hands-on training for over 20 hours under expert supervision. The faculty includes world-renowned experts, teaching in a “one-to-one” fashion.


Intensive Hands-on Training

Practical-based teaching curriculum with over 90% of the time spent at the course concentrated on performing surgery.

Efficient learning

Improved learning experience through “repetitive” teaching. Each practical model is performed by the same trainee at least two times during the course.

State-of-the-art infrastructure

All practical sessions are performed on fresh-frozen anatomical specimens of pristine quality, enabling accurate learning of relevant anatomy.

Flexible program

Each practical session contains besides the fixed schedule several “optional” practical models. These can be chosen as “primary” models by each trainee, according to his/her interests. Additionally, depending of the anatomical region, trainees can also choose to perform other models not included in the program.

One-to-one mentoring

Close guidance is provided during flap harvesting by world-renowned faculty, enabling you to acquire invaluable “tips and tricks” of the trade, shared directly in the best “how I do it” format.


Lucian P. Jiga, MD
Department for Plastic, Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery,
Evangelisches Krankenhaus, Oldenburg
Email: info@advancedmicrosurgery.org